
I really need to work on satisfying the blog urge when it strikes. i should start carrying around a notebook or a stack of post-its so that i can have something to write my blog-thoughts down on while i'm on the run. (if you see a random chick skateboarding across campus, jotting shit on post-it notes, that's likely me. try not to run into me.)

so last night was Dollar Wednesday at the Oakland A's game. Mike and Jay and Neal (from narnia), their friend Tracy (from Robinson), and I all piled into Neal's car and drove over to Oakland... not to see the A's play, because who cares about the A's, but because the Mariners were playing. i'd never seen the mariners play in person, so i was excited... and it was mike's first major-league baseball game (how cute). so we went over there, sat in the shitty dollar-seats (up on the third tier, in the freezing wind) and ate as many dollar hot dogs as we could stomach (I think mike, jay, neal and i all downed 5 each, and tracy had 2... not a bad showing, 22 for a 5-person group...). After the 3rd inning, we snuck down into the expensive seats and watched the game from there. it was a great view. the m's had ichiro in their lineup, creating a huge mob of Japanese fans by the dugout (not to mention the hundreds of shrieking Nihon-jin when the M's brought out Kazuhiro Sasaki as closing pitcher), which was cool. i ended up getting really into the game, yelling things at both teams (sometimes encouragement in Japanese toward Ichiro and Kaz)... our blatant mariners-fanness in the middle of Oakland was vindicated when, with bases loaded, Ichiro hit a ground ball to center field, bringing all the guys on base home, and getting himself to 2nd. after that, the game was pretty much settled... the M's won, 7-4. good game, though. good game. never mind the fact that i got nothing whatsoever done on anything homework-related last night... it was still really cool.

my ankle is still bothering me, which kind of worries me. it's still moderately swollen. too bad i won't have time to get to cowell until saturday. i figure, though, that it's not getting worse, it's getting better if anything, and the swelling has gone down a little since sunday. but, i should go have them check it out - maybe an x-ray or something, make sure it's not a stress fracture. i can walk just fine, it just hurts sometimes when i go down stairs (there's a lot more force on the foot then), and rarely when i'm walking. i don't think it's anything serious, but i should go have it checked out anyway.

my ankle, with ice on it. yay.

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