hit of the day: someone from parliament.uk (which, no, is not a porn site, and yes, is the site for the british parliament) visited my humble webpage! yaaaaay!
Maybe it's just late, but I find this highly hilarious...
Care and Training: Short haired should be brushed gently or wiped with a damp cloth.
(taken from this chihuahua website)
*sigh* time for bed?
posted by
Kat Reinhart
ahh, another day of not going to IHum lecture. someday, this will catch up on me. not today, though. :P
It's been awhile since I've posted. Let's see... yesterday was pretty normal. the weather was beyond gorgeous. it's like that again today, but a tad bit hazier... still, in the 70's in february! it makes me happy to think that i could get a sunburn in february. (:
mikey's feeling a bit under the weather... :( hopefully it's nothing worse than strep throat (god forbid he have mono!!!!!) and it'll clear up in a few days. hopefully that "few days" will be before Viennese. i'm not going to think about that right now. (:
list of shit kat has to do:
- japanese vocab quiz tomorrow
- math problem set due thursday
- math midterm thurs. night
- ihum paper due tuesday
- ihum discussion to lead next thursday
- seminar discussion to lead next wednesday
- seminar paper presentation sometime in the next week and a half
- have a mental breakdown
aaaaaaack. and doooooom.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
I think i've decided in the past couple weeks or so to be a product design major. perhaps i've just been inspired by the new imac and have been thinking a whole lot about the way aesthetics play into the functionality of a gadget. Jamie told me that she read somewhere that girls are more aroused by gadgets than by flowers... how true it is. I'm also working on a project for my language and gender in japan seminar about marketing in japan and the way cellphones are much more targeted to specific audiences (they come in pastel pink) in japan than in the us... i wonder if this is a result of "kawaii" culture or if it comes from the same cultural aspect or what. it should make for an interesting paper.
but anyway, i'm thinking about taking intro to design next quarter as my 4th class. it's required for the product design major, and is only 3 units, and sounds like a generally good time. i was going to take ME101 next quarter, but i think that having ME and PWR at the same time would be just too much. so i'll shop art 60 (intro to design) and a physics class and see which i should take.
oh, dammit. i just looked up art 60... it's only offered in the autumn. :( maybe ME120 (History and philosophy of design)? or ME110A (design sketching)? hmm. this is entertaining. screw studying, i'm gonna go play with the bulletin.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
parent's weekend. broomball.
(disclaimer. th typing onthis psot is going to suck, becausemy thumb got bashed pretty hard atbroomball last night and ithas trouble hitting the spacebar. so if the spaces are off, well, blame it on kevin christopher,because he'sthe one who bashed it. :)
so it's parent's weekend...dad is in town,whcih iscool. went to in'n'out last night with him last night ... hopefully tonight i'll get real food too. that'd becool. tonight also party at narnia (yaaay!) which will be pretty cool.
ok, enough... time to go water my thumb. (there's no ice,but the waterfountain is pretty cold :)
posted by
Kat Reinhart
Last "bush sucks" post today, i promise... Bush's controversial bid to promote marriage
a sidenote:
I don't think witchcraft is a religion. I would hope the military officials would take a second look at the decision they made."
G.W. Bush (R), as Governor of Texas. Interviewed on ABC's Good Morning America, 1999-JUN-24.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
It's official... hell hath frozen over, and Geoge Bush has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Do we not know the meaning of the word "peace"???
posted by
Kat Reinhart
you know, this guy just might be right. i think i'm convinced! there's no such thing as evolution! Duh! Key of Knowledge
posted by
Kat Reinhart
ah, hmmm, erm... am i the only one HIGHLY DISTURBED BY THIS?? BBC Pentagon plans propaganda war
posted by
Kat Reinhart
Believe it or not, but at 8.02pm on February 20 this year will be an historic moment in time. It will not be marked by the chiming of any clocks or the ringing of bells, but at that precise time, on that specific date, something will happen which has not occurred for 1,001 years and will never happen again.
As the clock ticks over from 8.01pm on Wednesday, February 20, time will, for sixty seconds only, read in perfect symmetry 2002, 2002, 2002, or to be more precise - 20:02, 20/02, 2002.
This historic event will never have the same poignancy as the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month which marks Armistice Day, but it is an event which has only ever happened once before, and is something which will never be repeated.
The last occasion that time read in such a symmetrical pattern was long before the days of the digital watch and the 24-hour clock - at 10.01am on January 10, 1001.
And because the clock only goes up to 23.59, it is something that will never happen again.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
university of arizona students thrust crotches at oversized balls. enough said.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
god help me, i'm actually seriously desiring one of these. aaack. i thought i was a die-hard windows fan... but the new mac is sooo sexy... and powerful... now, if only i had $1500 to blow on a new imac...
posted by
Kat Reinhart
yesterday was the big day in the city. fear not, a whole shitload of pictures are on the way, they're just still on jamie's camera... they'll probably be up later today or tomorrow.
we got started bright and early, catching the 10:29 caltrain out of palo alto, which got to the san francisco (4th and king) station about 11:40. wandered up stockton and through the metreon (a huge sony store, basically... trying to turn their merchandise into a museum). from there we walked up to the shopping area up stockton, checking out old navy (mike had never been in one!! what the hell?) and virgin megastore. looked at, but did not buy, overpriced cd's. we headed up to union square (which is, unfortunately, under construction, so we didn't get to do anything there). then we wandered down through chinatown. looked in a bunch of cute little shops, ate lunch at a really good restaurant, had pearl milk tea... then we walked down to fisherman's wharf and did all the tourist shit there. that is, all the free tourist shit. (: after fisherman's wharf, we wandered up through ghirardhelli square and up to van ness avenue, where we caught a bus to the market street subway station, and got on a subway out in the direction of the Haight. we spent a few hours wandering around the Haight, especially this huge music store called amoeba music, which is fucking insanely large and inexpensive. they have new and used cd's, tapes, vinyl, posters... they had a clearance cd section, and we bought 4 cd's for $3, including a vintage Toadies cd, the Blue October album, and two really, really odd ambient/trance cd's. it was pouring when we came out of amoeba, so we didn't see that much more of the neighborhood, just a few punk shops (saw a shirt that said "fuck milk, got pot?" and stuff) and the salvation army, at which i bought a horrendously ugly NSYNC shirt and a bunch of bubbles for like $3. by the time we left the salvation army it was pouring, so we left the haight and went to a little cafe to eat. (i didn't get anything pierced. i was pondering it, but there wasn't time, and i really don't have enough money to do something like that. oh well.) random side note: in the cafe, there were 2 japanese women behind us. one made a call on her cell phone - and i understood almost everything she was saying to the person on the other end. it was her boyfriend's mother, as i understood, and he was out, and she wanted to confirm that they had a date that night. it was really cool. anyway, then we caught the subway back to the caltrain station and the caltrain back to palo alto. it was, all in all, a highly fun day - i'm really glad we went. (:
posted by
Kat Reinhart
heh heh heh... take this survey. I am 71% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?
posted by
Kat Reinhart
mmm, blog time.
today was valentine's day... it was good. i enjoyed the day. last night was the vagina monologes... very good performance. i definitely enjoyed it. today i hung out with mikey (of course...)... we went to gelato and pearl milk tea and coho. it was like, weee! cubed. that was cool. skit tomorrow in japanese... i think i know my lines well enough.
so about 10 minutes ago i spilled an entire glass of water all over my desk. fortunately my computer is propped up a quarter-inch by stacks of post-its, because i figured out that lack of air circulation beneath it was causing the overheating/shutting down problem. so i took care of that. so, it was safe during the flood. my mouse got hit, but it seems to work fine. unfortunately it killed the card that mikey made for me (i think i salvaged it) and the card my mommy sent me, which was drawn by an 11-year-old with cancer. and my mousepad got wet, but it's fine. it'll dry. same with my jeans. eh, oh well. i'll survive.
tomorrow, no classes until 1:15. yaaaaay! if it's nice, i'll spend the late morning in the hammock that michelle (props!) so kindly put up outside. if not, then i'll compulsively clean the room. this weekend, i only have one roommate, because heather's going to the california democratic convention. that should be a good time... i wish i had time to go. but, instead, i get to go to the city on saturday with mikey! yaaaay! (:
okay. more water maintenance, then some cleaning, then bed.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
ah, valentine's day... nothing like being woken up at 6:50 by boys in suits. what sucks now, though, is that i can't go back to bed after i've been talking to people. something weird about me. plus, i'm drinking yummy coffee. it was funny to see heather walk in after she got home this morning... she missed the rollout, and the breakfast, and the boys in ties. the price we pay for a little ass.
i'll go take a shower in a few... i could go to breakfast, but oh yeah, i've already had breakfast. mmm. (:
yaaaaaay valentine's day!
posted by
Kat Reinhart
go ahead, Poke the Bunny. you know you wanna...
god this is too fucking funny. i jump every time.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
let's see. today is wednesday. wednesday. majors fair tonight. maybe i'll think of something to major in. then, vagina monologues tonight! yaaaaaay vagina monologues. that'll be fun. also a chapter of math to finish. might need some help with it but i suppose i can handle it.
tomorrow is valentine's day. that's always an exciting holiday. hopefully people will make stupid valentines and give them to their friends. i always hated the ones that didn't have candy in them, unless they were care bears or something else fun.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
last night, i finally saw "rejected". it's funny. see the screenshot? little guy goes "my spoon is too big!" (pause) "my Spoon is Too Big!" (pause) "MAH SPOON IS TOOOO BIG!!" (pause) (banana walks on screen) (pause) (pause) (pause) "I am a banana!" weeeee! so, yeah. that was highly entertaining.
after that, mike and i cohoed it up. i got a lot of ihum read. then we went to monday night flomo dance, which was a lot of fun. i should do that more often. then i went to the gym and worked out with becky. it was a lot of fun.
now, however, i'm feeling "aaaack" again... japanese is sneaking up on me to kick my ass. we have a skit due friday... that's an "aaack." i have a problem set due in math on thursday, but i have vagina monologues tomorrow night and tonight other stuff. there's another "aaack." in my seminar i have to start thinking about my final project. that's an 8 to 10 page paper. aaaack. i have ihum section this afternoon. ew. we get our midterms back in math today. yikes. grrrr. this week is shaping up to suck pretty bad. why didn't i do anything this weekend??
posted by
Kat Reinhart
i need to find some time to go shopping for a dress for viennese ball. mom sent my prom dress, which i got today... it still zips, but i understand why 19th century women fainted so often. so, yeah. i need a new one.
i really should go to the gym tonight.
i feel horrendously full after a meal which consisted of a salad, some fruit, and a slice of cherry pie. i wonder why.
i want to go read somewhere. i should go to the library or the coho. that'd be cool. hmm. branner feud meeting at 6:30, probably over about 7 or 7:15. from there i could go read at the coho, then work out, then go dancing. or coho, dancing, work out. depending on what is up with becky. i also really need to do laundry. *sigh* too much non-school stuff this week. but hey, that's cool. better than midterms.
aaack, the branner newsletter never got published last week. i'm a bad, bad secretary.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
new screenshot. yaaaaaay! i am a banana! my spoon is too big! hopefully i'll actually *see* this short sometime soon...
in other news, (long-ass pause) i don't really have anything else to say. umm... yeah. busy week coming up in terms of non-school stuff. not so much school stuff really, a lot of ihum reading and a problem set and japanese hw, but no midterms or papers due. thank god. but extracurriculars - a lot. tonight, a couple meetings about dorm-related stuff - branner yearbook, planning for branner feud - and then flomo dance. tomorrow, there's a one-act in the lounge at 8:30, a PAA study break at 10, a house gov meeting at 11. wednesday there's a majors fair and then vagina monologues at 10. thursday is v-day. don't know if i have plans for that yet, eh. also champagne and chocolate in the roble lounge that night. that'll be good. and then it's friday again. shit. how does that happen?
maybe this weekend mike and i will go into the city. yaaaaay!
posted by
Kat Reinhart
hip hip hooray for cheesy romantic comedies and random-ass trips to Secret Safeway. and, hooray for hershey's nuggets (the toffee flavored ones) and french bread. and, hooray for sleep.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
weeeee for random trips to in'n'out. about 2 hours ago i decided that i wanted to go to in'n'out. so mike drove me to in'n'out. i got a cheeseburger, animal style. it was yummy. it was my first trip to in'n'out. i definitely approve of their burgers. also their menu has 4 food items on it: double-double, hamburger, cheeseburger, fries. then drinks and shakes. i like the simplicity. i also like the randomness of the trip.
mulholland pointed out that i hadn't blogged about last night. so i suppose i will. last night was "screw your roommate." which involves setting your roommate up on a blind date. but since i have mikey, i decided to forgo the blind and just go for the date. we set up kevin with michelle from downstairs. so mikey and kevin and michelle and i went to the creamery for dinner and then to the dance. there was a reception first, at which i played bartender. that was really fun. i got to serve up beer and pear cider and hard lemonade. really entertaining. i got to see a lot of people and distribute happiness in the form of a red cup. then we had a dance. the dance was a lot of fun... just chilling and dancing. weee! (: all in all, a good night.
now, i have to decide what to do tonight.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
Ohh, it's another gorgeous day here at stanford... i can't handle being indoors. i've been out here on the lawn in front of branner for almost an hour and a half now. it's so beautiful... not a single cloud in the sky, green grass, warm (probably in the mid-70's)... a bit of a mild breeze... i finished agamemnon about a half-hour ago and am now studying japanese. greek tragedies suck. they're hard to understand, and once you understand them, they're depressing.
most of the fun of studying outside is not the studying but watching people come and go. it's really interesting. a few hours ago a bunch of early high-schoolers schlepped by carrying bags that said "raytheon" on them - probably some sort of high school visitation program. entertaining, though.
a couple of minutes michelle lee came outside and set up a hammock under the magnolia closest to me. that looks comfortable. i wish i had a hammock... keeps you off the moist ground, which tends to be lumpy and hard as well. ah well - i have my blanket to lay on.
okay, back to nihongo... vocab quiz on monday... :P
posted by
Kat Reinhart
winner: josh joplin. he responded to my email in 2 hours and 3 minutes. and gave me blanket permission to pirate his music whenever i want. what a cool guy.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
i think that perhaps one of the most beautiful things a person can witness is a sunrise. it's truly magical. most of us miss them, we go to bed too early and get up too late to watch them. i had the opportunity to watch the sky grow light this morning - it was amazing. everything is dark, and you can't make out where the buildings end and the sky starts, until slowly but surely parts of the black turn to dark, dark blue. the sky gradually gets lighter and lighter. this morning it was overcast, so the world started to turn a grey-blue color. hints of light blue started to peek through the cloudiness and were hidden again. the sunrise wasn't so spectacular, really, it was just something i hadn't experienced in awhile. it was really nice to see one again.
i suppose the last time i watched the sun rise was this summer, during my commute to work. i would leave the house when it was barely that dark blue-orange color, and my office was east of my home, so i would watch the sun peek above the horizon every morning. it was especially interesting to see the way the place the sun rose from changed from day to day and week to week. but truly magical was watching the brilliant orange globe slowly peep over the horizon and then climb in the sky. it was really a cool thing to watch.
i'm glad i stayed up this morning to watch the sunrise. i needed it.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
oh my god, can we talk about what i just did? so i was chilling with nicole in her room, introducing her to the miracle of a band that is josh joplin group, etc when we get the idea to totally re-arrange her room. we started this endeavor about 2:45. bad idea, sleep is not an option in that case. so, it's almost 5 now that we're done... it seems a shame to go to bed now. perhaps i'll work on my math problem set. go watch the sun rise. go to class. eat lunch. go to class. crash.
that sounds like a good idea. fuck sleep. i haven't done any all-nighters at all this year... why not start now?
posted by
Kat Reinhart
previous post was written about 1:15 this afternoon, not 4:36.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
Just a quick note on how amazingly beautiful the weather is today. i couldn't bear to go to a dank classroom in the basement of the math building and sit through a lecture when the weather is so amazing. so now, i'm sitting on the steps in front of the big red fountain between meyer and green libraries. i'm going to study math now. it's gorgeous. weeee!
posted by
Kat Reinhart
last night, i went to chuck e cheese with the qsspa. that was super fun. i got a bunch of tickets and bought some play-doh with them. also we crawled around in the tubes and the ball pit and ate pizza. it was really awesome. way better than studying for a midterm or something.
also last night, studied and stuff. wrote a paper which took me 45 minutes to get finished. it was on the portrayal of women in the media. i might put it up on my website eventually, because it's good, and i haven't put anything up on the website recently. hmm.
anyway, it's getting close to time to go to math.
today is a good day because i am wearing my hair in princess leia buns. that makes it a good day, by definition. weeee!
posted by
Kat Reinhart
Stale coffee, auto-mat
Tired candy staring back
At my ghost in the glare of florescent hues
Transparent plastic wrap
This could be the only map
That I'll need, cause I'm much to lost to lose
My duffel bag is packed, I'm ready to go
The sun is coming up to melt the snow
I feel fine for the first time in a long time
I feel fine for the first time in a while
Bus station bathroom stall
New Deal mural on the wall
Simple life why did you have to leave
Cathedral ceilings hold their breath
The ticket taker is all who's left
As for me I have no one to meet
My duffel bag is packed, I'm ready to go
The sun is coming up to melt the snow
I feel fine for the first time in a long time
I feel fine for the first time in a while
Bossa nova down town beat
Iponema is calling me
And a girl I used to love is gone
I look around me and see my soul
Sleeping restless in every row
All at once I am glad I am not alone
My duffel bag is packed, I'm ready to go
The sun is coming up to melt the snow
I feel fine for the first time in a long time
I feel fine for the first time in a while
jjg, "trailways"
posted by
Kat Reinhart
um, yeah, if you join theJosh Joplin Group - Street Team you can get free stuff. weeeeeeeeeeee!
posted by
Kat Reinhart
mmmm, late night paper o kakimashita. that was bad nihonglish. i just got back from late night, at which i drank three cups of coffee and wrote one ihum paper. muchos arigato gozaimasus to mikey, who helped me with both. weeee caffeine! weee ihum! waaaait....
anyway, nihonglish midterm is wednesday. perhaps i should study for that.
i know i'm up too late when my norton starts running in the background while i'm on the computer. yeah, that would be right now.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
happy belated birthday to joel. i celebrated by working on my ihum paper. it's due tomorrow. that will be a relief... anyway, we need to hang out at some point because i feel bad for not doing something on your birthday. damn you for being born during midterms-and-papers week. :P love you, joelypoo.
what was that jewish word? mazel tov? i hope that's applicable right now 'cause it's all i can say.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
Beneath the snow lies a dream that I once had
And I know that I'll never go back
To the Christmas colored neighborhood as thoughtful as a card
With a plastic baby Jesus in the yard
It was all and it was nothing at all
It was all and it was nothing at all
What we didn't know we didn't think to ask
The world was just a globe they used in class
Where the gym teacher was always mad and as far as we could tell
He only exercised his right to yell
It was all and it was nothing at all
It was all and it was nothing at all
As the kings of boredom we ruled as we knew how
Or at least as long as our curfews would allow
Couple skates, love-sick songs, in moments without pause
As Johnny Cougar amplified our cause
It was all and it was nothing at all
It was all and it was nothing at all
We were the great believers that dreams came with stars
And freedom just depended on the car
Until one day the sky fell in and freedom lost control
And ran off the road and hit a pole
It was all and it was nothing at all
It was all and it was nothing at all
Beneath the snow lies a dream that I once had
-"Dutch Wonderland" by josh joplin group
posted by
Kat Reinhart
well, shit. blogger seems to have eaten a totally long and involved post i just did. grr.
ok, here's the re-creation thereof:
it's been awhile since i really posted... other than random linkage. let's see. friday night was special dinner at narnia... that was good. good food, good people... good.
saturday night was tenrsex. we went to su hong's and then hijacked the forum room in meyer and watched the big lebowski. also had white russians, in keeping with the character in the movie. great movie. highly entertaining. good lines such as "mr treehorn treats objects like women, man" and "you're out of your element, donny..." and "I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or Duder. His Dudeness. Or El Duderino, if,you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing." i enjoyed it.
tonight we went to see stomp! in the city. that was super-cool. super-fun. funny. entertaining. i enjoyed it.
okay, gonna copy this to the clipboard so that if blogger eats it, i will be able to recover it.
"know him? dude, arjun is the reason we're all still virgins!" -random paly kid in su hong's, apparently an acquaintance of a member of my sexion
posted by
Kat Reinhart
weee, read funny classifieds! god these things are hilarious... "CHRIST ON A BIKE. Plays theme from Animal Hospital." Weeee!
posted by
Kat Reinhart
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | A tale of one man and his blog
This is cool. Wow. Evan Williams is a god.
posted by
Kat Reinhart
"aaaack" has returned as my away message. this means i got a 6.5 on a vocab quiz i thought i had gotten a 9 on, and even though my math midterm is over, i am still stressed. there's an ihum paper due tuesday. aaack. japanese is still kicking my ass. aaack. i understand the newest grammar structure we've learned, the -te imasu form, but that doesn't shed light on anything else. nor does it make memorizing 50 vocab words at 1AM one night any easier. or write the paper that i have to do in seminar for wednesday. it looks like any moment i have free this weekend will be spent on japanese and ihum. aaack. i'm tabling in white plaza from 12 to 1 to register voters. aaack.
special dinner should prove to be fun tonight. but it basically takes up between 6pm and god knows when i wake up tomorrow morning. tomorrow will be devoted to ihum paperage and japanese homework. really studying japanese, not clinging onto japanese for dear life.*sigh.*
posted by
Kat Reinhart