
i really can't keep living like this. being under the thumb of my manipulative, power-thirsty parents is really, really getting on my nerves, and i'm about to crack. i'm seriously about to start researching education-financing options that would allow me to just say "fuck you" to them and do whatever i want. i'm fucking twenty years old, i'm not some little high schooler who needs chaperoning. the only reason i still answer to them is because i know they're paying for my education - it's gotten to the point where my need for them is purely financial.

so basically they told me that i can't stay here if i'm going to keep hanging out with jared. well, that was kind of my #1 reason for wanting to stay here in the first place. i've met someone that makes me really happy, and i'd like to keep getting to know him and spending time with him. is that such a crime? evidently, it is. i can kind of understand them not wanting me to go over to his apartment a lot, he's a big scary boy who's full of semen, and i'm going to get knocked up if i spend time in his apartment. even if there are hordes of other people around. of course. but not allowing us to hang out at all, even when i've been home ON TIME both fucking times we've hung out, is a little tyrannical i think. their main objection seems to be the location of our hanging-out, which is more than absurd. sure, he lives in tacoma. that's where he fucking goes to school, he can't help it. and then we went to seattle for ice cream yesterday afternoon. seattle. the u district. i know it's a little bohemian, that's what makes it cool. but what we're doing is so innocent it's almost cute. we eat ice cream together. we kiss. whatever. it's nothing bad in any way, shape or form. we're not fucking, we're not drinking, we're not doing drugs. we're not even setting anything on fire. *sigh*

i'll finish this later...

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